Touchpoint Technology are pleased to present our brand new website, which introduces a host of improvements across content, usability and look and feel.
We understand many of our customers are tasked with solution design and architecture, and we’re endeavouring to support this process. We’d love to hear from you about other features and information you’d like to see on our website.
The upgraded “shop” now includes more detail on the products that are available from Touchpoint, enabling you to find the equipment you need and then send a quote request for the item directly from its page.
Our service pages now contain updated and expanded information on all our offerings, now clearly showcasing our capabilities in hardware supply, equipment buyback, rentals, leasing & IaaS, data destruction & recycling and repairs, support & sustainment.
This is all supported by the modern design, which includes new photos of the Touchpoint team, facilities and products.
We hope you enjoy interacting with our new website. Lookout for further additions and updates as we continue to evolve.