Continuing our series of Customer Success Stories…

apc_american_power_conversion_featRecently one of our Defence customers came to us with a real challenge. As part of an important Defence Sustainment contract they had a very specific need for a particular model of APC Uninterruptable Power Supply. The required model was originally manufactured more than 15 years ago. In total they needed need six complete working units.

Over a three week period our Solutions Team worked closely with several of our specialist suppliers in North America and Europe to locate the exact models required. Each of these was then airfreighted to our test facility here in Sydney for full refurbishing by our Technical Services team. After installation of new batteries and careful testing under load for a full week, we delivered six working units to our customer all covered by a Touchpoint warranty.

Job done and another happy customer who was able to avoid a major recertification project had they been required to switch to an alternative model.

If you’d like to know more about our Specialist Sourcing capability for hard-to-find legacy hardware get in touch with us here or call us on +61 (0)2 8424 3500

To read more customer success stories, visit our Case Studies page.